
Vintage Trucks and Commercials Magazine is Australia’s own full colour, bi-monthly publication featuring trucks and commercial vehicles of all makes and models that were produced at least 25 years ago. The magazine includes articles about trucks, utes, panel vans, station wagons, sedans, delivery vehicles, fire trucks and military, as well as a range of other purpose-built vehicles. VTCM covers both restored and original trucks, as well as commercial vehicles that are still in the workforce today.


Subscribers to Vintage Trucks and Commercials are typically

• dedicated to restoring vintage trucks and commercial vehicles

• currently work within the transport industry and have a vintage

truck as s hobby

• looking for product information, technical help, and restoration

techniques as well as industry news

• seeking a reliable reference magazine to which they can refer

in years to come

• enthusiastic exhibitors and attendees at rallies and events

