Event Listings in SA


2025 Events

Keith & Tintinara District Show

Club: Keith Vintage tractor & machinery club

Date: 29th March 2025

Address: Keith Showgrounds, SA

Details: Vintage/classic tractor pull with trophies up for grabs, drives get free entry to the Keith & Tintinara district show where there’s a wide variety of entertainment.

Contact: Jason Egel 0428811304

Email: Jasonegel@bigpond.com

Website: www.keithshow.org.au

Booleroo Steam & Traction Fowler Steam Rally

Club: Booleroo Steam & Traction Preservation Society

Date: 3-4 May 2025

Address: Booleroo Centre South Australia                                                                                                

Details: Celebrating the 150th anniversary of our 1875 Fowler Steam Ploughing Engine.
This engine is considered to be one of the oldest working Fowler steam engines in the world
•     Original Fowler dam making scoop demonstration
•    Fowler Steam traction Engine & grain threshing machine
•    Fowler Steam Showman’s Engine
•    Aveling & Porter Steam Roller
•    Tractors & Stationary Engines on the Sunday

On-site camping and catering available
Entry: two days $25, one day $15. Gates open 8:30 am

Contact: bstpsinc@gmail.com 0438823896

Naracoorte Swap Meet

Club: Naracoorte Historic Vehicle Club

Date: 3 - 4 May 2025

Address: Naracoorte Showgrounds, Smith Street                                                                                                

Details: One of the largest country Swap Meets in SA.
Outdoor and indoor sites of car and motorcycle parts, antiques, collectables, jewellery, crafts etc.
Outdoor site bookings not required. Outdoor sites $30 including driver. Gates open from 12:00 noon – 9pm Friday and from 6.30am Saturday for site holders.
Trading: Saturday 7am – 5pm / Sunday 7am – 12 noon, entry $5.
Show ’n’ Shine: For cars and bikes pre-1980. Registration 8am –10:30am Saturday. Fee $5.00 per vehicle including driver. Judging commences 11:00 am.
Food/Drinks available.

Email: naracoortehvc@gmail.com

Phone: 0408 854 658 from 4-8pm

100 Years of Caterpillar

Club: (ACMOC)- Chapter 30 In conjunction with Eastern Hills Antique Tractor Society Inc (EHATS)

Date: 23rd, 24th,& 25th May 2025.

Address: 485 North Bremer Road, Hartley S.A. 5255

Details: Working displays Caterpillar & Holt machines. Steam traction Engines. Stationary Engines.food & drink available. Stall Holders Welcome.Steam powered cable ploughing.  Ploughing earth moving & tractor pull demonstrations. Remote control truck & earth moving displays.  Other makes of tractors welcome. Camping Available.Ticketing: $10+ fee- Pre-Purchase Via: www.trybooking.com or$15 at the gate-CASH PREFERRED. GATES OPEN 10am each day. 

Contact: Nick Humphris 0420 299 768 or Trevor Scott 0499 329 244 Bazz Potts 0407 604 683 or Gus Munro 0409 824 859

Email: chapter30@acmoc.org or easternhillsts@gmail.com

Website: www.acmoc.org/chapters/thirty
