In The Mail 1965 Bedford PMG Truck

It is always interesting to find out why vintage truck owners choose their particular brand and model of truck. For some owners, the choice is fairly easy - maybe the truck has been in the family since it was new, or their Dad used to drive them around in a similar truck when they were kids. For others, the reasons for liking a particular truck can be rather vague and intangible - maybe they just like the look or shape of a model, or it simply reminds them of a bygone era.

The 1965 Bedford has been restored to look like a PMG truck

So, my interest was roused when I saw Kevin Clarke’s 1965 J2 3 ton Bedford table tray truck, painted pillar box red, and decorated with gold Post Master General’s Department (PMG) decals on the doors. The striking vehicle was on display at a large automotive show in Perth, and positively sparkling in the autumn sun.

Kevin was sitting nearby, so I asked him  how he came to own such a be

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