The ASC-162 Model was bought out by International between 1955 and 1957. There weren’t too many of this model made and I first saw one back in 1986, at an International sales yard in the country town of Quairading, WA. I also know there were even less of them that made it over to Western Australia (about 120, or so I was told by an International sales rep) and I think mine might be about the only one still licensed in WA.
In about 1995, I was looking through The Elders Weekly (the real estate agency…not a magazine referring to age, thank you!!!) when an ad in the For Sale section caught my attention; it was for an ASC-162 with a blown motor. I rang the number from the ad and found out it was in the farming area of Pingelly, east of Perth (pronounced Pin-jilly for the non-WA readers).
When I got talking to the farmer, I learned that Kevin was his name. He tol
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