News and letters
International Harvester Company Of Australia Pty. Ltd.

I used to work for the Brisbane Truck and Tractor Co., a metropolitan dealer for the International Harvester Co. We also had the agency for the whole range of Nuffi eld cars. The fi rst photo shows eight International trucks somewhere between Melbourne and Brisbane, take in the early 1950’s. Four of us fl ew to Melbourne, to bring these trucks back to Brisbane. As can be seen, the second truck has its front axle attached to the rear of the chassis of the fi rst truck; the two trucks were attached by a small turntable. The trucks were governed to 35mph so we had a slow trip from Melbourne to Brisbane. We drove straight through with only a short rest in the cabin and meal breaks. The other photo is of International House. We picked the trucks up at the assembly plant at Dandenong, Vic, before heading towards Sydney on the Hume Highway. As an apprentice motor mechanic, this was my fi rst long drive, so I have found the articles on the Hume Highway, like Haulin’ the Hume, really interesting. We would then travel the New England Highway to Brisbane, with much of this journey along unsealed roads! *Rodney, Qld 

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