Who was the Lady Draped Over the SAR?
1 min read

In reply to the whereabouts today, of the model draped across the red and white SAR, it is none other than my mother, Mrs Kristin Read. She is alive and well, although not as spritely as she was 40 odd years ago. At the time of that photograph, she was a young hairdresser, who did a bit of modelling on the side. She was married to a truck driver, although dad only drove ERF’s, AEC’s, G88 Volvos, or a slimline cab-over Transtar for Porta Gas, out of the old Mortlake depot at the time. I.R. Cootes Pty. Ltd., bought the bulk road tanker fleet of, what is now, Elgas, and acquired the work to go with it, in August, 1986, replacing a pair of F1223’s with two brand new 3406B-powered SAR’s (which is when I fell in love with the brand), one of which was assigned to dad. It wasn’t until then that she would have anything to do with Kenworth again, followed six years later by me becoming an apprentice, and later Field Service manager, with Gilbert and Roach. Ironically, I’ve been employed by T. J. Clark, driving floats for the last 11.5 years, and I am about to saddle up in a brand new K200. The Kenworth passion, and association, still runs thick in my blood today. *Stewart

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